A Baby is a Miracle,
A Gift From Up Above,
A Wonder Fresh From Heaven's Hands,
God's Messenger of Love.
Our little girl was Dedicated this past Sunday, Praise God for His gift to us! We can not thank Dr. Chancey, our minister (with us in the picture above) enough for his guidance. Dr. Chancey is more than a minister to the church, he is a father himself and understands what Patrick and I are going through. Dr. Chancey has been so available to us whenever we have needed him. We couldn't have asked for a better service this past Sunday, as Dr. Chancey spoke of fearing God, it confirmed that this is exactly why Patrick and I are getting through this difficult time.
We trust and rely on God. Through the entire challenges of Maggi's health, prayer has always gotten us through. How else does a parent get through watching their child suffer? There is a purpose for our daughter, Maggi. There is a reason she was chosen as one of God's special babies, one of the sick. Maggi is going to be a representation of God's strength, while honoring Him and His glory as she learns how He helped us get through these trials.
Can you imagine becoming of the age where you can understand, speak, and communicate with others...and only to learn that when you were an infant that you had been given a second chance, that you had gone through a serious surgery and overcame many illnesses? It will be an amazing revalation to Maggi, I just know it, as she hears our stories of her beginnings and of all the people that prayed for her, that loved her.
We can't thank our church family enough. The Celebration Choir made a donation to the building fund in honor of Maggi. Individuals have blessed us with cards filled with incredible words of support and monitary gifts.
Patrick and I hope that each of you know how much we appreciate your help, how much we needed it, and how far it will go.
We are blessed. Much Love to each of you, please be looking for your Thank You CARDS!
If there is anything Patrick or I could ever do for any of you, please let us know. We are good listeners and have a lot of compassion in our hearts.
Much Love - Patrick, Donna, Maggi, Zack & Michael